Monday, April 11, 2011


    Sometimes people will test your intelligence. Always want to ask questions that they "know" the answer too. Just say "Do you know the answer to your own question?" Some will tell you what you need to be doing with your life. So they always have sarcastic ways of trying to tell you what you should be doing with your life. Let them say what ever, then smile, pause, and say in a polite voice; "Where do I need to be?"
    People have told me (older people) that my calling is to be a Preacher. My grandfather, the late Henry King wanted me to be a teacher. I fought that off for a very long time. I went to school to be an OBGYN, then when I got to school, I was talked into nursing. Well, when the professor told me that I had to find somewhere to stay and work 12 hour days, that wasn't the problem. The problem came when she told me that I couldn't ever play college football again. In my mind, she might of as well cursed me out. I thought about why and how I came to college for free. Now she wanted me to pay for school and throw away a scholarship. I told her in a polite voice, "Ma'am, do you know the answer to your question?" She looked at me and said "What do you mean. You need to go to Nursing School so you can make 65k your first year." I just told her that my mom and grandma didn't have money to pay for schooling and an apartment.
    All the while I received my degree in Biology. I still can't believe that I'm in the education field after I fought back and forth with my grandfather about being a school teacher (that he wanted me to be) and me wanting to go to med school. Life is a trip and only God knows what we're supppose to be before we know who we are. "So what is your calling?"

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