By being a child of a single parent, life has its difficulties. Being male in a single household full of women is harder. Being the oldest of my mom’s three kids and the oldest grandchild and the only grandson can have its advantages and disadvantages. First, being the oldest, you have the world handed to you and you really don’t realize it. Second, your siblings look up to you rather you know it or not. There wasn’t a lot that I would not do for my sisters. I took their whooping, made sure that they were safe at all times, watched them as they went down the street or crossed it, and watched them become intelligent college graduate women.
Males are taught that we are the biggest and strongest. As I grew older, I found out that it is millions of us still in the state of mind of the caveman days. Women on my mom’s side of my family are dominating. Both if my grandfathers made sure that he raised me into being a man. I had other male figures in my life that we very important in my life. My pastors ( The late Dr. C.C. McNealy and present Dr. William McNealy), my uncles (Grady King, Kenneth Gray, the late Terry Gray), teachers (Mr. Pinkard Jr. High Math Teacher and Graham Geometry Teacher), coaches (all the Jefferson’s from pop Warner, Freddie James and Bruce Chambers from “The Great” David W. Carter H.S. of Dallas, TX and a friend that I call my big brother. These men helped my mom and grandmother with me go on the right path of life. I even thank the ones that I saw doing bad and influenced me not to follow their footsteps.
My father was very important in my life as well. He showed me ways of what and what not to do. I am not bashing him at all. My father was a man that loves his sons and daughters. However, the only thing that I wished he had done was raise us up to be better men, instead of other men taking his space.
To all the single moms out there with one or 5 sons, I know it’s hard trying to raise him/them to be men because you don’t know how to, so just look for a positive male figure that they have in their life and see if they can help. Never hurts to ask. So ask your son, what positive male he admires that is in their everyday life!
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